Arm Reduction (Brachioplasty)
People who have worked hard to reduce their weight find the loose and redundant skin to be a major source of dissatisfaction. This redundancy may affect abdomen, breasts, thighs and arms. Excess skin and fat deposits from the arm can be improved by arm reduction / brachioplasty.
The procedure is done under a general anaesthesia. Depending on the patient’s comfort level, this can be a day case procedure or may involve one night stay in the hospital. The wounds will be checked after a week. It is advised to avoid any strenuous activities / exercises involving the arms for at least 4 weeks.
The procedure results in a ‘T’ shaped scar on the inside of the arm. Occasionally, part of the ‘T’ junction in the arm pit may be slow to heal and need some dressings. Though it may be difficult to hide the scar in the beginning months after the surgery, the scar tends to blend with the skin colour over a period of 9-12 months. As the scar is on the inner side of the arm, patients are able to wear sleeveless or short sleeved tops. Some patients may experience some numbness on the inside of their forearm. This may be a permanent event in a small proportion of the patients.