Prominent Ear Correction
School age children often feel upset about the prominent / ‘sticking out’ ears as they are a source of teasing among their peers. Some adults are also very conscious of this appearance and tend to grow longer hair to hide their ears. Such appearance may run in some families too.
Correction of prominent ears is performed under a general anesthesia for children but can be done under a local anesthesia for select adults. Either way, it is done as a ‘Day cae’ procedure – with no need to stay in the hospital. The procedure is not just ‘pinning’ the ear back! Through a cut in the back of the ear, the cartilage is carefully shaped to recreate the folds. This is maintained by a supportive, bulky head bandage for one week. Further support with a simple head band is recommended for a few more weeks – especially if the patient is likely to return to sporting activities.
Most patients remain very pleased with the improvement after such an operation. The boost in their personal confidence level is easily visible. Rarely, some patients may find the ear to ‘spring out’ again – requiring further surgery. Rarely the scar in the ear may become ‘lumpy’ (Keloid scar) needing additional treatments.